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Design a user-friendly blade system for lawn mowers
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John Deere customers in both commercial and residential mowing dislike the amount of time and effort it takes to remove the mower blades in order to sharpen them. Blade sharpness is important in maintaining the health and appearance of the cut grass, but it is a hassle to use tools to remove lawn mower blades and then put them back on after sharpening.


Propose a rotary blade design which allows for easy removal and attachment, but can also sustain the stress of frequent mowing. Attach sketches, mockups, or design drawings showing the attachment methods of your mower blades. Additionally, include a written description of your blade removal system to explain how it functions. Submit your design in PPT, PDF, or JPEG formats.

Avoid any ideas that have already been filed for U.S. patent. Focus on making your solution cost-effective and easy to implement.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $150 each
5 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 David Barron University of Texas at Austin
$150.00 Tim Jenks Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$150.00 Daniel Clark Stanford University
$150.00 Grant Buster University of California at Berkeley
$150.00 Yeon Joo Hwang University of Texas at Austin
$50.00 Edbert Wang The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
$50.00 Marc DiRenzo Lehigh University
$50.00 Patrick Bankich Clarkson University
$50.00 Alex Roltgen University of Wisconsin
$50.00 Michael Altonji Lehigh University
Submission questions

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