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What do you think about GMOs?
Challenge Type: food science
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96 months ago

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have an unclear reputation. To some, they are bad: harmful science that negatively impacts our fruits and vegetables, makes them less healthy, etc. However this is almost always not the case. GMOs can make for more bountiful harvests and have the potential to help end world hunger.

At Superfood Inc, we believe that GMOs are definitely not all bad (check out these Five Good Reasons to Support GMOs to learn more). However we also respect and want to learn more about the positions of those who oppose them. Let us know what you think and how you might explain your stance to a friend or stranger!


Explain your stance on GMOs and create an argument or piece of content to present it:

1. Your beliefs are important to us, so please tell us if you are for, against or neutral towards GMOs? Tell us why this is important to you. Explain the top reasons why others should care about GMOs (be provocative).

2. Create a print ad, presentation, short story/essay, argument, or any piece of content that explains your position to a friend or stranger.

3. What, if anything, would persuade you to change your position?

Things to consider:

- Your submission can be all text but we’d love to see a proposal for a video, a booth for tradeshows or grocery stores, a poster, an advertising campaign, or any other creative presentations!

- The best submissions will be simple and tangible, the way you might explain the issue to a friend, and should activate both the left and right side of the brain.

- Our key goal is to make a difference, be responsible, and be transparent. Your submission should not contradict this.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $150 each
5 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 Jeffrey McNeary Cornell University
$150.00 Thomas Schmitt Iowa State University of Science and Technology
$150.00 Balyssa Bell University of Iowa
$150.00 Christopher Acevedo Miami Dade College
$150.00 Michelle Ripley University of Massachusetts
$50.00 Blake Bryan University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
$50.00 Peter Daines Georgetown University
$50.00 ian Bannon Purdue University
$50.00 Sai Agnikhotram Instituto de Empresa
$50.00 Meagan Bartlett Columbus State Community College
Submission questions

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