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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs


Communications Assistant

I am writing this letter of intent in regards to the recently posted position of Student Communications Assistant. This position seems ideal for my interests in working with the Berkley Center, as I never got the opportunity to apply for an earlier listed position.

I am aware of the Berkley Center’s work with the intersections between religion, ethics, and public life. My interest in working for this department stems from my background in living in both the USA and Senegal, and experiencing the different cultures and how the affect of religion plays into both cultures. Though undeclared, I am thinking of transferring into the SFS and majoring in either Culture and Politics, or Regional and Comparative Studies with a focus in West Africa.

I am really interested with communications and interesting with other people.I find myself to be very creative in terms of designing flyers. I am really diligent with any task, and I am open to learning about new things; I am a quick learner.

Working at the Berkley Center will definitely help me with my endeavors, especially since I know there is an international and cultural focus within the Center. I have worked every other summer at a farm, working with people who only speak Spanish. This experience has taught me about interacting with people in effective manners that help me as productive as possible. I am currently working as a Student Caller at Phonathon, and I find myself to be a very pleasant person to be around. If offered this position, I would be willing to dedicate myself to this job- even if it means resigning from my position.

A job at the Berkley Center would be an incredible opportunity, and I hope I have the opportunity to show you my dedication at working as a Student Communications Assistant at this lovely Center.

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