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Increase Literacy Citywide
Challenge Type: business
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96 months ago

In the US there are more than 36 million adults who read below a third-grade level. These adults are twice as likely to be unemployed, despite being eager to compete in the 21st century job market. Many mayors recognize the fact that boosting literacy early on is key towards improving outcomes in their community – from academic success to workforce development; from improved health outcomes to reduced crime.

We would like to help mayors address the issue in the earliest years, beginning at birth. We currently provide city leaders with materials and services that help them launch citywide literacy initiatives. Our challenge now is to extend the reach and impact of early literacy campaigns by increasing motivation through game theory and other methods of engagement.


Read our Milestones of Early Literacy propose a plan to motivate families and give them resources to help their children aged 0-8 achieve these milestones.

1. What motivational tools, app or game will you create to help families help their children learn to read?

2. How will the mayor build awareness for the literacy initiative and engage as many young readers and their caregivers as possible?

3. What messaging (both content and delivery methods) will you use to emphasize to young caregivers the imperative of early literacy development and the benefits of participating in your program?

4. How will the success of your program be measured?

5. (Optional) Sketches, drawings, mock-ups, charts, graphs or any other visuals to support your argument

Things to consider:

- Your submission should focus on actionable ideas, feel free to summarize these at the end of your submission.

- Check out our Early Literacy Resources for more detail on programs and products to help early readers, and our Research Compendium for great statistics and insights.

- Winning submissions will be original, creative, and customizable to implement in a range of demographics and different types of towns and cities.

- Successful approaches can incorporate more than one mechanism for outreach and implementation.

- Successful proposals will also incorporate assessment and feedback opportunities so that mayors can measure how successful their campaign is.

- A successful campaign will create high level of family and community engagement. Incorporating research about how young children learn best is encouraged.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Additional Materials:
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $150 each
5 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 Samantha Eastwood Pima Community College
$150.00 Keana Thomas Liberty University
$150.00 jpeter88 Johns Hopkins University
$150.00 Kimberly Shaheen Binghamton University, SUNY
$150.00 Alex Lew California Institute of Technology
$50.00 Rosh Adhikari Webster University
$50.00 Austin Pearl Babson College
$50.00 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$50.00 Miles White University of South Florida
$50.00 Meagan Bartlett Columbus State Community College
Submission questions

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